
The lives of many teenagers are exposed and they aren’t even aware of it.. Around 13 million users said they had not set or did not know about Facebook's privacy settings and 28% shared all or nearly all of their posts publicly. In today’s society youths are unaware and uneducated about the effects Internet privacy has on them as a person. Social networking sites encourage people to be more public about their personal lives. Because intimate details of one’s life can be posted so easily, users are prone to bypass the filters they might normally employ when talking about their private lives. Teenagers do not see the harm in putting their lives online. However all their data and information is being stored onto a hard drive that can never be deleted. Once you post something online, it will never be taken away. One of the more recent example is when CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted to the leak of millions of Facebook users. He stated that when people sign up, they agreed to it. However many do not read the long terms of agreement, thus aren't aware of their privacy being violated.


  1. Hey Enjia,
    I really liked the fact that you put statistics and numbers behind the amount of people exposed to privacy issues on social media sites, it makes your argument much more concrete and gives the reader a better understanding of how big of a problem it is. Everything people post or store online is permanent and that is very scary especially with recent leaks, as you've mentioned. I wonder how users can be made more aware.


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